Ellen Sheidlin is one of the most famous artists in Russia. She creates videos and photos based on her own ideas.
Ellen is the ideologist of survirtualism. She experiments with dreams, reality and virtuality.
In the era of personalization, Ellen leads big brands by the hand as author of unique content, making prints and paintings, virtual reality and embodying her fantasies in native advertising. She has her own virtual Instagram gallery with more than 4mln followers @sheidlina.
She is self-taught in photography, videography, painting and sculpture.
Ellen collaborates with brands such as Nike, Estee Lauder, Moncler, Bacardi, BMW, Instagram, Swatch, Schwarzkopf, L'Oreal, Coca-Cola, Pepsico.
She has participated in various creative projects and exhibitions around the world (Russia, France, Germany, Japan, England, Italy, etc).
Ellen currently lives in Florence and studies at the Academy of Arts, sharpening her skills.